Everyone — military and civilian — has the right to accessible, secure, private, and reliable communications that are free from government surveillance, hacker interference, or criminal disruption.
Signature Management Unit (SMU) researched, wrote, and designed this guide with you in mind. While techniques change and adapt with advancements in technology, the fundamental principles behind them do not. Thus, they seek to offer a number of practical end-user ways that can be employed to manage your digital signature and, by extension, take an active role in maintaining your security and privacy.
The techniques covered in this guide, while seemingly innocuous as individual measures, are in their composite a significant signature management advantage. There is no one technique that necessarily outweighs another – each is important in their own right and serves to harden your security and limit your vulnerability or attack surface in one way or another.
All techniques here are publicly accessible and generally open source. Most are best practices captured elsewhere in the industry. Given the guide’s compact and portable nature, they covered techniques in as much useful detail as possible. However, additional research may be required for deeper understanding. SMU is available for any basic questions regarding implementation or additions.
Signature Management Unit
Great Lakes Region
(202) 952-1511
[email protected]