Today we’re sharing a special Q&A with LtCol Bob Weimann, Chairman of the Board for United American Patriots.
Q: How did you learn about UAP?
A: As a retired US Marine infantry officer and combat vet watching the media level “war crimes” charges against our warriors, I went looking for more information in order to get passed the media and political sound bites. I recognized something was wrong. I found out about UAP when reading a Department of Defense report about these “war crime” issues. In the report, I read UAP’s public comments and realized that they were on the correct path in supporting our warriors.
Q: How long have you been involved with UAP?
A: I have been involved with UAP since 2015 when I realized this is the only organization supporting this country’s warriors who are prosecuted for legitimate combat actions.
Q: Why did you want to get involved with UAP?
A: I got involved with UAP because I recognize this is the only organization doing the right thing for our warriors. I also recognized that our warriors were being prosecuted bu our senior military leadership for political purposes.
Q: What has been most rewarding about volunteering your time with UAP?
A: The most rewarding aspect about volunteering and partnering with UAP is the thanks UAP received from our warriors, their families and legal representatives. Helping to correct the injustices of these political court-martials is not only the right thing to do for our warriors but also for our military.
Q: Why should others give their time to UAP?
A: Simply, it is a noble cause and the right thing to do. By funding our warriors legal battles, we ensure the fairness and justice of legal proceeds that can be manipulated within the military justice system. Our warriors are entitled to a fair and honest legal proceedings free of political scapegoating.
Q: What message do you have for the Warriors of UAP?
A: UAP is here to help and support, it is a noble cause, and UAP welcomes all help and support.
Q: What message do you have for other Patriots like yourself – why and how should other people get involved?
A: The best way to help is to make a donation. Legal defenses are expensive. UAP wants to see our warriors find the best possible legal representation and not worry that legal expenses will exceeds their means. The second best way is to volunteer your time to participate in UAP’s work. Thanks to the modern communications, we have people volunteering from across the county. They are coordinating communications with veteran groups, political leaders, and media organizations raising the awareness about this issue of our warriors for legitimate combat actions.
Q: Anything else you would like to add?
A: UAP has been operating since 2015. For this reason, UAP is uniquely position to support our warriors and help with the correction of the unfair military legal procedures and the political scapegoating of US combatants.